Last Day of Primary School – Fun Things for Your Child to Do
Fun Things for Your Child to Do on Their Last Day of Primary School
The last day of primary school is a big day for children (and their parents!) and you can help make it even more special for your kid. Suggest some of the activities below that will help make this day one to remember and create memories for your son or daughter to treasure.
Let them have a look at the list below with ideas written for them and see what they think…

Fun Things for Your Child to Do on Their Last Day of Primary School
Say a Proper Goodbye to Your School
On the last day of school, take a few moments to take it all in and have a good look around, thinking about your favourite memories as you do. Maybe do this with your best friends and talk about fun things you’ve experienced together.

Also take the time to chat to your teachers who have watched you grow up from a 4-year-old and develop into the young person you are today. Make sure to thank them for all that they’ve done for you over the years. A handwritten card or letter to your favourite teacher will be a little gift that they’ll treasure forever.

School Memorabilia
Don’t forget to write messages in your friends’ year books and let them do the same in yours. Find the best quality leavers hoodies for your class and, if you want, you can write on these too. These options are classic primary school memorabilia items that you’ll have lots of fun looking back on for many years to come.

Do Something Special
Plan something special to do after school with your friends and/or family like going out for a nice meal or fancy ice cream or maybe visiting an amusement park – something to mark the end of this chapter of your life and the start of a new one. Take lots of photos on the day and make a scrapbook of the day to look back on.

Plan Ahead
Now that you’re nearly ready for the next chapter of education and life, plan your school holidays and fill them with fun activities to enjoy. When you’re a bit older, you might have a summer job so enjoy the freedom to just have fun during the school holidays while you can. Make a list of goals and things you’d like to do and make sure you get to tick them all off.
Your last primary day school should be a day to remember. Hopefully you’ve enjoyed the years you’ve spent at your school but are also looking forward to your future and the next step of your education – though it might all feel a bit scary right now. Don’t worry, you’ll be fine!
You’ll be fine too, parents! It’s hard watching your children grow up so quickly but it’s so wonderful to see them developing into lovely people too. Getting them successfully through primary school is a big achievement for parents too and you should celebrate as well. Celebrate with your child and make sure they know how proud you are of them.
Collaborative Post.
Thank you for sharing this list. Having a good farewell leaves a good mark on everyone.