OXO Tot Space Saving Drying Rack Review & Giveaway
|OXO Tot Space Saving Drying Rack Review & Giveaway
If you’re a regular visitor to this blog, you probably know that OXO Tot is one of my favourite baby and kids brands. They make really stylish products (I am a design nerd at heart!) but they’re always very cleverly designed, functional and practical too. They have it all!
When I spotted the new OXO Tot Space Saving Drying Rack on social media earlier this year, I knew that it was a product that would solve an issue for me. I have three children and we go through many drinks bottles and cups and they always take up so much space on our dish drainer. We don’t have a dishwasher in our new house yet so I’m doing all the dishes by hand and simply don’t have the space for drying lots of bottles as well as the actual dishes from meals.
My two older girls use steel drinks bottles now and they have a few each for home use and school use that I need to wash most days. My youngest is breastfed and I’ve not started expressing yet so she doesn’t have any bottles but she does have dummies that need to go somewhere when washed too. The solution to drying all these without them taking over the dish rack and getting in the way is the new OXO Tot Space Saving Drying Rack.
As the name suggests, it’s got a very compact design which is what we need. It’s tall but the footprint is small. The rack can hold cups, bottles and their parts, dummies, weaning spoons and other accessories to let them dry thoroughly without taking up precious countertop space.
The nine pegs are cleverly angled to hold cups and bottles just at the right angle for drying well and at the top there’s an area for drying smaller things like the lids and teats. The bottom tray has ridges to keep things like lids and spoons elevated for quick drying. Both the top tray and the bottom tray are removable so that you can wash them thoroughly.
The height of the drying rack provides lots of drying space but it still fits nicely under cabinets so that you can tuck it out of the way against the wall. When not it use, I simply lay it down on its side in one of our cupboards and it doesn’t take up much space there either.
It’s a great product that I love using — our regular dish rack is now always available for our regular dishes and all the baby, toddler and kids stuff dries neatly on the OXO Tot Space Saving Drying Rack. It makes me feel much more organised and keeps our kitchen tidier too. It will be very handy when I start using my breast pump and baby bottles as well, I’m sure.
Giveaway Win an OXO Tot Space Saving Drying Rack
For a chance to win your own OXO Tot Space Saving Drying Rack, enter through my Rafflecopter below. There will be one winner. Terms & Conditions apply. UK Entrants over the age of 18 years only. The giveaway will end on the 10th of June 2019.
Sample provided for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own.
I enjoy cooking for my little ones. Not so keen on all the laundry and ironing though!
I love seeing my kids grow physically, mentally, and socially. Worse thing is all the household chores
I love seeing what their personalities are as they grow older. Worse thing feeling like I’m on repeat
Meal times – no matter what age they all are there’s Guarenteed A surprise in store
Ironing : can’t stand it – avoid where possible !!
I enjoy bathtime and playtime. I don’t enjoy nappy changing.
I enjoy ironing little baby clothes worst job is emptying the bins
I enjoy reading with my children, and hate having to tell them off for misbehaving
I love reading a bedtime story but hate cleaning up vomit.
Hate ironing love making beds and cleaning
everyday is a great day with the kids growing
Keeping on top of housework chores is impossible with three demanding kids!
Getting up several times a night has to be the worst
I don’t enjoy the sleepless nights at all! Love the smiles and cuddles, just the knowledge I I finally did get to be a mum!
Nap times are a joy, but ironing is the proverbial pain.
I enjoy feeding times, but can’t stand all the ironing.
Shopping for food and baby care things to avoid the smells.
reading stories, and cleaning ugh
I’m only an aunt sadly, but I love reading stories with them and don’t like changing nappies!
Surely aunts / aunties and others matter too. It has been said that ” It takes a village to raise a child”.
What about society, community / communities, villages, towns / townspeople, family / families / family member/s, Godparents, Grandparents ( maybe they are referred to as Grand, as they are parented, as well as will often provide childcare for their own children’s children, maybe as well as others.
Baby Showers exist, have found out that Diaper party (for Dad to be) exist. Grandparents to be are welcomed at some hospitals at antenatal parentcraft class. So who knows what may occur in the future. Maybe others who are involved in babycare / childcare will be Celebrated, acknowledged, prepared for the transition to caring for a loved baby / child. Godparents I believe may well be prepared by the Church Minister / Priest.
So well done Auntie, for being part of your young relative/s life / development, etc.
Grandparents :- Meant to say that they have Parented. Have experience of Parenting. Also their children may well valued their parenting skills and experience. So “Grand” people.
I enjoy nap times especially having a few minutes to myself and i least like bath times
i enjoy cooking healthily for my boys and i hate the ironing! x
Not a fan of ironing but I love shopping for the essentials!
seeing there smiling face when learn new sthings
Family movies and cuddling u p on the sofa.
Least has to be happy changing. Best buying baby clothes.
not sure I enjoy all the washing up and nappy changing, but I do love watching my little one sleep and play in her bouncer!
I like bath time as the children enjoy it so much.
I love bubbles at bathtime, dont enjoy the mountain of ironing much!
i love meal times but hate packign away toys!!
i enjoy baby clothes shopping the best even though it costs me a fortune. I dislike all the washing though
i enjoy bath time, dont enjoy cleaning the bathroom lol
Enjoy most :- Reading them a bedtime story.
Dislike the most :- Housework. As it leaves less time for adventures, etc. Particularly dislike ironing. Hope technology soon provides Robots that can do the housework, grocery shopping, hanging out the washing, ironing. Probably the Royal family and / or Celebrities will be the ones to get this type of technology first. Though really I am sure it is the Disabled ( whether congenital, acquired :- whether by accident, illness, advanced years and frailty )who have the Greatest NEED.
Brilliant idea, this will save me loads of time and space!
Waking her up in the morning and having a cuddle is the best. Cleaning her up, plus her high chair and the floor around her during weaning is the worst.
Well, the act of becoming a parent and abiding by the consequences. No PC but there you go.
I love the cuddles and morning chatter, not so keen on tantrums and the constant tidying up!
genius product
i love feeding the most. nice quiet bonding time. I hate changing beds especially after an explosive nappy.
Watching her smile and be happy. Hate nappy time but needs to be done!
Which parenting tasks do you enjoy the most and the least?
the most . . . reading bedtime story
the least . . . . tidying up after them
I loved bath time but hated watching them make a mess while baby led weaning.
The most – playing with them and enjoying their imagination. The worst is cleaning up behind them.
When we all say prayers before bedtime.
hate cleaning the tins room love ironing x
I enjoy sorting their clothes, doing the routines and teaching them new things. One thing I hate is trying to put together new meals that most of the time they don’t want to eat!
Making bottles most as it’s relaxing, changing nappies least as it’s a bit smelly sometimes x
I love bath time!
I love cooking/baking for and with the kids, I hate ALL housework especially the bathroom
Changing nappies has to be the worst! The best for me is getting her to sleep at night. I get to have a little extra cuddle with her before I put her down – something that happens less and less as she gets older
I enjoy seeing their reactions and watching them learn about the world (and some of the things they come out with are priceless!) and I most hate dealing with poorly children :-\
Im expecting my first child in November so I’ll find out in good time the best and the worst!!
I hate doing laundry! But I don’t mind anything else :)
I love reading with the children, I hate the palava of trying to get them ready to go out – especially when there is a time issue.
Im excited to get to do the feeds and bathtimes in the next 20 weeks (if i make it that far) and i least enjoy the getting weed and pooped on ahah though nappy changes generally dont bother me…. This would be fantastic for cleaning the baby bottles and dummies for our little arrival
I love reading stories at bed time but hate all the chores!
Most – playing with them, least – the continuous load of washing
Cuddling – tick – cleaning – ugh
I love reading with them, but I hate wiping bums!
Love the bath times and nap times, really don’t like the nappy changing much.
I love mornings, the whole routine of dressing and breakfast etc
Love reading bedtime stories. Hate making packed lunches in the morning and ironing!
I love playing games with the kids and making them laugh. I’m not a fan of cleaning up all the mess that they create!
I like strolls with my girl
I love helping my children develop but no so keen on changing the nappies
I love breast feeding, I feel so lucky to be able to do it. I hate doing nappies. We use reusable ones, but I do love helping the environment
I love doing the laundry x
favourite is story time, worst all the tidying up
I love reading my little girl story books but hate doing the ironing.
I love reading with the kids but I hate the washing, especially trying to get the stains out of their clothes. Whatever the manufacturers say , none of the washing powders/liquids get the stains out. I always use cold water and washing up liquid which normally works but takes a lot of elbow grease
I love reading with and too them. I really don’t like cleaning up sick!