The MULTY By Ninnananna Review – The Highchair & Storage Phase
|The MULTY By Ninnananna Review – The Highchair & Storage Phase
I have written about The MULTY twice before on my blog and it’s such a clever product for babies and children. It starts as a rock-able baby crib that you can adjust to angle it to aid babies with reflux or to use when your baby has a cold to make breathing easier.
Once your baby grows out of the crib at around six months, you turn it into a highchair — which happily coincides with when it’s recommended to start weaning and when most babies are strong enough to sit up in a highchair.
I can’t believe my second baby girl is six months already! Time really goes quickly and even more so when it’s your second baby. We’ve been weaning for just over a month now as Baby No. 2 was ready for some food and good at sitting up already. We turned our MULTY crib into a highchair and a storage solution and ta-dah we suddenly had the equipment we needed and didn’t need to figure out where to store the crib for possible future babies. We don’t have a lot of storage space so we can’t keep everything stored.
We now have a beautiful and very sturdy highchair for our littlest girl. Something that I really like about this chair is that it doesn’t look like a by-product or afterthought to the crib — it just looks like a nice, stylish, wooden, Scandinavian style highchair. It’s great and you wouldn’t have guessed that it used to be a crib.
The highchair can be adjusted to be used from when your baby can first sit upright to when they are a young adult which means it’s got a very long lifetime. The chair is perfect for transitioning your child from sitting in a highchair to joining the big table and the rest of the family.
The materials used to make The MULTY are high quality and the simple design makes the chair very easy to wipe clean. The seat and foot rest is fully adjustable and as your child grows you can move them to fit and remove the tray. You can buy a plastic cover tray if your baby is a messy eater — like most of them are! The curved design makes the chair easy to fit closely to most dining tables.
The highchair comes with a safety harness to keep your baby in place in their seat. We use a cushioned insert now at the beginning too, for extra comfort and a bit of support as our baby masters sitting up on her own.
The bassinet bit of the crib is what turns into a storage solution. Babies and children have a lot of stuff and even if they don’t have lots of toys, they will have nappies and wipes that need storing somewhere and most parents are struggling with space for their offspring’s things.
The MULTY turns into an attractive storage solution that will look good in any nursery or bedroom. It provides lots of storage in two fabric baskets and with one wooden shelf. On the side, you can hang fabric pockets that are great for storing smaller items such as your baby’s red book, small books and toys etc.
We use ours next to my toddler’s big bed/our guest bed and use the baskets for nappies for both girls, extra packets of wipes and nappy sacks and the shelf for some books. My toddler keeps putting small toys and mini books in the fabric pockets.
The storage shelf can be used free standing or be mounted on the wall. In any room that a child might play in on her own, it’s best to attach all shelves to the wall for safety reasons.
The top of the storage system becomes a small table too, ideal for an alarm clock, a drink, your phone etc.
This storage system is very handy and holds so much stuff! I’m so happy with The MULTY and its clever design and user-friendliness in all stages. There’s no waste and it’s really been designed to last and be useful for a long, long time.
My baby loves sitting in her MULTY highchair!
Read more on where you can also purchase your own MULTY!
We were sent this item for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own.