Top Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Bedroom
|Top Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Bedroom
Now that spring has officially sprung the time has come for us to get our feather dusters out and spruce up our homes. Some of us relish the time of year for a spring clean and jump into the task head first, for the rest of us, we can often struggle to build up the energy and can dread the moment when we need to roll up those sleeves and get our homes into shape.
We feel that the best way to tackle a good, hearty spring clean is by taking it on, one room at a time. So today we are going to focus on how to tackle the bedroom and have it organised, clean and looking fantastic in no time at all. Read on for our top house cleaning tips and for even more spring cleaning advice, head over to this article on
Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Bedroom
- Get Those Sleeves Rolled Up
First things first, get your favourite energy boosting playlist on and get those sleeves rolled up. The first port of call for any spring clean, regardless of which room it is, must always be the cleaning. It’s the worst part of the job, but once it’s done, it’s done. Then you’re free to focus on the more fun parts of the process.
Begin by de-cluttering the floor. By the time you’re finished you should see nothing on the floor but your rugs, carpets and floor. Then once you’ve got everything out of the way and neatly tucked out of sight then is the time to whiz around your bedroom and give it a really good scrub down. A spring clean is not just your average run of the mill clean, we need to get right into the nooks and crannies, cleaning those neglected corners, hoovering right under the bed (Oh, yes, we mean all the way under the bed). Cleaning curtains, dusting the tops of wardrobes, the whole McCoy. Only once we’ve really cleaned the room from top to bottom can we get down to the fun part.
- Organisation & Decoration
So now we have our rooms sparkling and gleaming it’s time to get our boudoirs organised and beautifully decorated. Now is a good time to get all your chunky winter clothing stored away somewhere out of sight. Obviously the weather is still interchangeable so you need to keep some of your warmer items. However the really ‘rugged up’ part of your wardrobe like ski jackets and big bulky winter jumpers will free up a huge amount of wardrobe space so should be the first items to get put away. Organising your wardrobe so that you can see all your clothes will mean you can shave minutes off your morning routine. No more rummaging around looking for something to wear, or that ‘favourite blue top’.
Similarly organising your make-up table can also have you up and out of the door, in much less time, in the morning. No more scrambling around for your favourite blusher or looking for that cute hair clip. Keep all your smaller items in pretty little pots and jars to make your dressing table look super chic and organised.
Then look at any extra little details that you want to treat yourself to that will freshen up your room and have it looking fabulous. A room that you really look forward to spending time in. Are your bed sheets looking a bit shabby? Treat yourself to some luxury Richard Haworth boutique hotel sheets so your bedroom can look like your very own luxury hotel bedroom. Throw in some plush and rich pillows to arrange on your bed. Add a thick, soft throw to place at the bottom of your bed and hey presto, your bed now looks like it could feature in a premier hotel website. Dot around some pretty, scented candles and pop on a couple of subtle, low lit lamps and lie back and enjoy taking in all your hard work.
Guest Article. Contains sponsored links.
Hi Petra, thank you for these practical bedroom spring cleaning tips; they are so helpful. For our next spring cleaning, I’ll share these tips with my kids so that they can do their own bedroom spring cleaning. They’ll probably do it better than me, and that’s what I’m aiming for. Thank you.