Winter Sleep Tips: How to Improve Your Sleep this Winter

Winter Sleep Tips: How to Improve Your Sleep this Winter

Winter Sleep Tips: How to Improve Your Sleep this Winter | AD

Winter is here – it’s getting cold and dark. The change of season impacts many areas of life, especially our sleep. During the winter, there are many things that can impact our sleep – the clocks going back, the longer evenings, the lack of daylight, and sleeping with the heating on, for example. All these things can easily knock the circadian rhythm off kilter. Let’s explore how you can keep an eye on sleep this winter and improve your chances of getting a good night’s sleep.

Winter Sleep Tips: How to Improve Your Sleep this Winter

Keep Your Bedroom Cool

When it’s cold outside, it can be tempting to leave the heating on overnight to stay cosy but this is not ideal for sleep. 29% of British adults leave their heating on while they sleep but this temperature hike can actually do more damage than good as high temperatures in the bedroom can easily lead to disrupted sleep. 

We simply sleep better in a cooler environment – experts recommend that the ideal temperature for a bedroom is between 16°C and 19°C at night for a healthy sleep. If you’re feeling cold when you go to bed, it can be hard to relax and fall asleep of course. Instead of turning the heating up, try an extra blanket or a hot water bottle to help you warm up while still keeping the room at a good temperature for sleeping.

Winter Sleep Tips: How to Improve Your Sleep this Winter

Keep Your Eyes Hydrated

Sleeping with the heating on can also cause other physical complaints including dry, tired or irritated eyes. If this is something that you struggle with, you can try TheraTears Overnight Restore eye drops. These eye drops have been specially formulated with naturally derived ingredients to help restore and replenish the tear film in the eye overnight.

Even disrupted sleep on its own can cause problems for your eyes as sleep deprivation leads to the eyes producing fewer tears.

Optometrist Mark Holloway from Thomas & Holloway Opticians comments:  “As with other parts of the body, the eyes need sleep to repair themselves and not getting enough can result in dry, itchy and bloodshot eyes. The natural moisture in your eyes also evaporates faster in dry environments. Turning the heating down or off overnight can improve both your eye health and your sleep.”

Broken sleep caused by dry eye symptoms is frustrating and uncomfortable – and the discomfort and tiredness is likely to impact the rest of your day too. Combat this in advance by using TheraTears Dry Or Tired Overnight Restore eye drops at bedtime – let the hyaluronic acid repair, restore and protect the eye’s surface while you’re sleeping.

Sometimes, you’ve simply had a bad night’s sleep (perhaps due to young children waking you up or simply caused by stress or worries) and just need a little bit of help to face the day. A few drops of TheraTears Dry or Tired or TheraTears Irritation & Redness eye drops in the morning can make all the difference as they provide daytime comfort to sleep-deprived eyes.

TheraTears eye drops are available from Sainsbury’s, Superdrug, Boots and from For more information, please visit


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