3 Ways to Entertain the Kids When Working From Home
|![3 Ways to Entertain the Kids When Working From Home A Mum Reviews](https://amumreviews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/3-Ways-to-Entertain-the-Kids-When-Working-From-Home-A-Mum-Reviews-2.jpg)
3 Ways to Entertain the Kids When Working From Home
If the pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that mums are superheroes. Not only did we go through the pain and recovery of giving birth to our little ones, but we managed to juggle working from home while looking after them during those terribly difficult days of lockdown – combined with homeschooling too for many of us!
For some of us, the juggle isn’t over. Many mums started side hustles during the pandemic and are now looking for ways to balance working from home and providing the childcare. Looking for some easy ways to entertain the children when you need to crack on with work at home? Read on to discover three ways to keep the little ones busy, so you can have an hour or so to get some work done.
![Craft Art](https://amumreviews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/3-Ways-to-Entertain-the-Kids-When-Working-From-Home-A-Mum-Reviews-4.jpg)
- Get out the crafts
Nothing keeps my kids quieter than whipping out the craft drawer. Yes, there might be a big mess to clean up afterwards, but trust me, it’s worth it for a couple of hours’ of peace.
Some of the big hits in our house include messing around with PlayDoh, mess-free finger painting, gluing and sticking with bits of paper and a glue stick and the classic coloring book with a bunch of crayons.
Not only will crafting keep your kids entertained, but it will help them to develop their fine motor skills as they use their hands to create something. It’s a win-win really!
![3 Ways to Entertain the Kids When Working From Home A Mum Reviews](https://amumreviews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/3-Ways-to-Entertain-the-Kids-When-Working-From-Home-A-Mum-Reviews-1.jpg)
- Make a splash with water play
The summer months are upon us, so what better excuse than to do your work in the garden, while the kids mess around with some water play! If you don’t have a water table, you can set up a tuff tray or plastic storage box with some water, cups and jugs and let the kids go to town!
This is a great sensory play exercise for your little ones and in this sunshine, if they get a little wet – they’ll soon dry off! If you’re looking for some more sensory play ideas, you can find some great spring and Easter themed sensory play ideas here.
![Wellies Walk](https://amumreviews.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2021/06/3-Ways-to-Entertain-the-Kids-When-Working-From-Home-A-Mum-Reviews-3.jpg)
- Get out and about on your lunch break
If you’re working from home for a company and not self-employed, it’s important to ensure you’re taking advantage of your lunch break to spend some much needed time with the kids. Get out and about around the block on a quick nature hunt, or go and feed the ducks at your local pond.
Don’t forget your wellies and welly socks! We all know the Great British weather can often go from bright sunshine to pouring rain in a matter of seconds, so it’s best to be prepared!
Hopefully this has given you some good ideas for how to entertain the kids entertained when working from home. It is important to remember though that juggling working from home with looking after small children is really tough. Give yourself some slack and if they end up watching the tablet or television for an hour or so – that’s okay too!
Guest Article.