Advice to Parents and Young People in Preparation for Exam Results Day
Advice to Parents and Young People in Preparation for Exam Results Day
This is a Guest Article.
With exam results day in sight on 24th August, Psychologist Alan Lucas says ‘be open, speak positively and remind young people about their achievements. Alan Lucas is on a mission to support parents in the run-up to exam results day. With GCSE and A Level’s, T Levels and VTQ results looming, Alan shares useful advice to us, providing words of support to parents and guardians at this important and often stressful time. Here’s what Alan suggests to help limit the anxiety and for things to go smoothly, whatever the outcome:
- Avoid announcing your expectations
As a parent you’re bound to be your child’s biggest cheerleader and want to see them succeed. However, their version of success may not mirror yours or they may not have performed as well as you envisioned. It’s important to be encouraging but not put pressure by expecting top marks across the board and then be disappointed. Be proud they sat their exams. Grades aren’t the be all and end all.
- Have an honest conversation before the day
In the run up to exam results day consider having an open conversation with your child about how they are feeling. You don’t have to talk about the exams or grades specifically, but rather their goals beyond high school or college. What do they plan to study or do they have other plans/are they still set on the school or university they want to go to/have they considered other forms of higher education? These subjects are important because they will help your child figure out their next steps if things don’t go the way they want to. That way there’s no panic and you can move on.
- Remind them of their other achievements
Reframing their mindsets is key if on the day your child isn’t pleased with their results. What you think or feel doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things as you didn’t sit them. Focus on their thoughts and support them by reminding them of what they have accomplished outside of exams. Emphasise that poor grades don’t equal failure and they can still do great things if they put their mind to it.
- Stay calm
The build-up of exam results day can pose a great strain on children’s mental health. It’s important to keep them distracted and away from their phones. Social media is often the place people show off their accomplishments and as a result some children will feel disheartened or embarrassed if they haven’t done as well. As a parent you should keep the atmosphere relaxed, try breathing techniques with your child and plan out what you will do after collecting their results such as going out for a meal or to the cinema so that the entire day isn’t just about getting the grades.
- Realise Your Power
Passionate about helping young people, I have developed the SYSO System® by promoting effective and practical holistic coping strategies that can be done by individuals to help with their mental wellbeing.
By using The SYSO System® teens and young people can realise their own power, and take control over the issues that cause them stress, or any of the range of negative emotions young people are prone to. I have trained in many psychology, psychotherapy and coaching disciplines and believe that by working through the 7-steps system, we can manage our minds and take charge of our emotions, and to reduce the negative impact on mental health in general.
7 Steps to Sort Your Self Out: The SYSO System®
Today, it’s become far too easy to put labels onto feelings which inevitably makes the issue somehow harder to deal with, or, that it needs a certain type of remedy, and in many cases, from the doctor, to make it better. The SYSO System® is an antidote to this, and offers a holistic approach to empowerment and purpose that supports self-improvement, taking young people on a pathway to improved happiness, good health and mental wellbeing so regardless of the underlying symptom, by applying the core principals of the system, can lead to a more fulfilling life and a sense of good mental health and wellbeing.
Everyone including parents/carers and young people can following the practical system and purchase copies online at WHSmith, Amazon UK and Telegraph Books, or for more information do visit

About Alan Lucas
Author of: Realise Your Power – 7 Steps to Sort Your Self Out and You Don’t Need Therapy, Alan is passionate about self-improvement and helping people have more fun and fulfilling lives, especially teenagers and young adults. As he says: “Helping people with their mental health isn’t medical work. It’s love and wisdom work.” Born and raised in Belfast during the troubles in Northern Ireland, Alan wondered from a young age why people would kill others, just because they had different beliefs. Alan has founded several businesses and trained across a range of psychology, psychotherapy and coaching disciplines, which is what led him to create the highly effective 7 Step – Sort Your Self Out System®. Building on this, Alan set-up the SYSO Foundation, which provides free, personal development resources to young people to help them realise their power. All the profits from the sales of the products and books go towards supporting the SYSO Foundation.
Guest Article.