Affordable Ways to Keep the Kids Busy This Summer

Summer Children

Affordable Ways to Keep the Kids Busy This Summer

It is that time of year again when schools break up, and parents are faced with six weeks of trying to keep the kids busy and free from boredom. You might think that this is easier said than done, but we know that there are lots of things that you can do to help keep your children entertained.  

The best news of all is that many of them can be affordable, which means that you save money but have happy children that can return to school in September, having had a great break and quality time with their family.  

  • Cinema tickets 

A trip to the cinema can be a great way to spend time together as a family and also to take in some of the best new movies out there. The only trouble with this is that cinema tickets can be expensive, especially the more children you have.  

This is where things such as Meerkat Meals – How to get 2 for 1 Meals and Cinema for a Year – are going to help you to help. These are designed to help you to get 2 for 1 meal and cinema for a year. Saving you money and allowing you to have fun together too.  

  • Make chores a part of it 

Chores might not sound fun to you or your kids, but they can actually be a great addition to the summer holidays. Creating a chore rota gives your children something to focus on each day, and it also teaches them how important it is to take care of the house as a family. It is also a chance for them to earn money too, which they can spend on the days when you go out and do something. There are many household jobs that are suitable for children to help with.

Affordable Ways to Keep the Kids Busy This Summer
  • Go to the library 

The library is a real treasure trove on a boring and perhaps rainy day. Visiting the library gets you all out of the house and doesn’t cost you anything. Even better, you are encouraging your children to pick books and get themselves something that they will enjoy doing too.  

Affordable Ways to Keep the Kids Busy This Summer
  • Get crafty 

We know that arts and crafts might not be top of every parent to-do list, but they are a great way to spend time together and have some fun. There are lots of crafts that you can do with minimal materials, such as cutting pictures out of magazines and sticking them onto paper or even just grabbing lots of paper and pens and drawing pictures together.  

Affordable Ways to Keep the Kids Busy This Summer
  • Gardening 

Gardening is a great summertime activity for kids, and it is fantastic for all the family to do together. It shows your children just what they can grow when they put their mind to it and creates a little summer project for them. Just make sure that you pick something simple to grow else; they may also need to learn about disappointment. 

We hope these tips help you to have a summer to remember. All without having to part with all your hard-earned cash and have to spend the rest of your year playing catch up with your finances.  

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