Chillipeeps Teats Review: One of the Best Baby Inventions

Chillipeeps 3in1 Teat & 3in1 Spout Review A Mum Reviews

Chillipeeps Teats Review: One of the Best Baby Inventions

This is one of the very best baby and toddler inventions that I have come across and I’ve seen many! It’s a product that I was wishing for and then when I searched for it online, I found that someone had already invented it. It’s an adapter with a teat or a spout that you can pop in your bag and use for formula or water bottles to give to your baby when you are out and about. There’s no need to carry lots of bottles with you when you have some Chillipeeps adapters in your changing bag.

They come in two versions: one with a teat for younger babies and one with a spout for older babies and toddlers.

This is the story about Chillipeeps: “The idea was born In Yorkshire, when Claire had set off to a family party with her baby, she knew she had a carton of ready-made formula in the car but couldn’t remember if she picked up the clean sterilised bottle. Knowing her baby would need a feed whilst she was out, she asked her husband to check for the bottle while she wondered why no-one had invented anything that could attach directly to the carton. Eureka!​”

Before having these, I used to have a much simpler variant from a different brand that was a teat that only fits water bottles but it was one that fits formula bottles that I wanted and needed. After comfortably breastfeeding my daughter, I found it a hassle to suddenly have to carry lots of bottles and milk with me when we were weaning her onto formula milk. Chillipeeps were just what I was looking for.

Chillipeeps 3in1 Teat & 3in1 Spout Review A Mum Reviews

On-the-go Teat for Ready Made Formula Bottles and Cartons

As you can see in the picture above, they can be attached directly to lots of different bottles and cartons. They fit Aptamil and Cow&Gate 200ml ready-made formula bottles, all ready-made formula cartons, Fortini and Infatrini bottles and Evian and Volvic water bottles.

Chillipeeps 3in1 Teat & 3in1 Spout Review A Mum Reviews

The adapters can fit so many different types of bottles by being made of these parts above. You have them all screwed together for cartons, the top two for water bottles and just the top one for formula bottles. Easy!

Chillipeeps 3in1 Teat & 3in1 Spout Review A Mum Reviews

My daughter accepts most bottles but is a bit picky when it comes to spouts and will usually only drink water from them and demands milk from regular teats. She’s now converted and will at least use the Chillipeeps spouts for milk too.

Chillipeeps FAQs

Which Water Bottles work with Chillipeeps?

Not all bottled water is suitable for babies and therefore, Chillipeeps adapters do not fit all bottles. It fits Evian, Volvic and Highland Spring. These bottled waters have less than 200 milligrams a litre of sodium and less than 250mg a litre of sulphate as recommended by the NHS. To avoid tooth decay, only offer your baby/toddler milk and water to drink.

Chillipeeps 3in1 Teat & 3in1 Spout Review A Mum Reviews

How do I Clean Chillipeeps Teats?

Chillipeeps teats are really easy to clean. You simply dismantle the adapter and wash the parts in warm, soapy water and sterilise them in sterilising solution or a steam steriliser. Re-assemble after sterilising. Chillipeeps adapters are BPA free, dishwasher safe and made in the UK.

What Flow Options are there for Chillipeeps Teats?

The Vari-Flow teat obtains Slow, Medium and Fast flow rates and is suitable for 3 months, 6 months and 12 months+. They are made in Poland. The spouts are suitable for 6 months and 12 months+ and made in Thailand. You can buy replacements the teats and spouts for only 60p.Chillipeeps 3in1 Teat & 3in1 Spout Review A Mum Reviews

How to Keep Chillipeeps Clean On the Go?

The adapters are cleverly stored in protective pods that ensure they stay clean and sterile. You can also use one end of the pod as a lid to cover the teat/spout if your baby doesn’t finish the whole drink in one go. The pods can be a bit fiddly to put on the adapters when all parts are not on. I don’t always carry all parts when I know I’ll just need the formula attachment and then it can be a bit difficult to get the pod on quickly but that’s not a big issue at all.


This invention might be small but it makes a huge difference to my life as a mum. I don’t have to have a huge bag full of bottles when we spend a day out or when travelling. I can just pack my Chillipeeps teats and get some milk when we are out. My bag is so much lighter! We recently used these when flying to and from Sweden to see my family and they were so handy to have in the airport and during the flight.

My daughter likes to turn bottles upside down so I’m wishing for a non-spill teat/spout to be added to the collection to make this product even better.

Like I said at the top of this post, this is one of the best baby inventions ever for me. The Chillipeeps adapters are so useful and are now a must have for my changing bag and a travel essential.

Buy Chillipeeps teats from

I was sent these for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own.


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