#ClothNappyMonday – Cloth Nappy Brands & Types I Would Love to Try
#ClothNappyMonday – Cloth Nappy Brands & Types I Would Love to Try
Cloth nappies are definitely a bit of a passion of mine now and I love trying different brands and types to see how they work and to compare them to each other. I seem to always have a bit of a wish list with types I would like to try next and these are the ones that I’m lusting for the most at the moment, in no particular order:
- Close Pop In Gen V2 Reusable Nappy. I love the reusable wipes from this brand and these nappies just look really comfortable and user-friendly. The designs are very cute too, of course!
- I’m a big fan of Bambino Mio Miosolo nappies and have quite a few of them in my stash. I would love to try their two part system consisting of a Miosoft cover and inserts too and see how that works for us.
- Bumgenius is a very popular brand and I’d like to see if it is as good as I’ve heard! The Bumgenius Freetime Onesize Cloth Nappy does sound appealing with no stuffing needed and its fast drying properties. Apparently, it dries in hours! It’s available from The Nappy Lady.
- Milovia Coolmax Pocket Nappies also seem like a good quick drying option with their microfibre inserts. They look really easy to use and I see them all the time on Instagram so they’re often on my mind! They’re available from Babipur.
- Totsbots is the brand that got me into cloth nappies in the first place and I have twelve of their EasyFit Star all-in-one nappies. They also make Bamboozle Stretch nappies that you use with PeeNut Waterproof Wraps. I’ve heard that this combination is a really good nighttime solution! I would love to try it out with my toddler. She pees a lot overnight! I absolutely love the Bumblebee design and the Kaleidoscope print, too!
That’s my current wish list! Do you have a cloth nappy wish list too?