Coffee or Tea? All About The World’s Favourite Beverages

Coffee or Tea? All About The World’s Favourite Beverages

The autumn season has finally come. The cool, crisp breeze and the wonderful transformation of the leaves from green to fiery red, yellow, and brown are perfect for some outdoor activities like mountain hiking or kayaking on a nearby river, or simply indulging oneself with a good cup of coffee or tea while reading a good book or simply browsing at GamblingAuthority site for a wee bit of virtual betting.

Coffee or Tea? A Mum Reviews

Coffee and Tea Beverages

Coffee and tea have been the all-time favorite beverages by almost everyone. Every culture anywhere in the world has its share of its story of these wonderful drinks. A cup of tea or coffee, whichever one prefers, is an important part of many people’s days. I think we can safely say that coffee and tea are the world’s favourite beverages! Always make sure you check the recommended brewing time and read your coffee machine manual for the best result.

What makes them popular?

Black tea and green tea are the most sought-after kinds of varieties but green tea is consumed by most people in Asian countries and thus part of their culture while coffee like tea has been enjoyed by many since its first recorded time in the 15th century.

Both beverages boast of the many benefits that they have especially in physical, mental, and emotional health. It also promotes social benefits because it helps form social bonds between friends and family members. In Sweden, there’s even a special word for these types of get-togethers over coffee or tea – “fika”.

Make sure you brew your tea according to the packaging’s instructions and that you follow your jura coffee machine manual when making coffee to ensure the best results.

Coffee or Tea? A Mum Reviews

Difference between coffee and tea

  • Caffeine

Caffeine is a powerful stimulant that affects a person’s central nervous system as well as an enhancer of a person’s brain activity making them more focused, alert, and lively. Both beverages have caffeine although coffee has a higher concentration compared to tea.

Research shows that caffeine helps prevent Parkinson’s disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, cancer, and other chronic diseases. It also helps improve people’s mood and improves athletic performance which is why the majority of athletes are encouraged to take drinks that contain caffeine.

  • Antioxidants

Both tea and coffee have antioxidants although the majority can be found in tea. Both contain Polyphenol which can be found in some plants including coffee beans, some vegetables, fruits, and tea leaves. This is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates free radicals which are harmful to our body and damage our cells. It also helps reduce inflammation which is the root cause of most diseases, particularly cancer. It also helps prevent heart attack and blood clots which is why beverages like coffee and tea are indeed commendable.

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