How Things Change at Home When You Become a Parent
How Things Change at Home When You Become a Parent
When you have your first baby, your whole life changes. You are now a parent and your priorities in life are different. You are responsible for a tiny human being who needs you 24/7 and their needs become the most important to you. Your social life changes and not just because it’s harder to arrange things with little ones in tow but because you probably want to be close to your baby instead of heading out on a night on the town.
There are things at home that will most likely change too and that’s what we’ll be looking at in this article.

- Your Home Décor
Even the most stylish and minimalist homes change with the arrival of a baby and all the gear they seem to need. You will need to find space for bulky items like the pram, the car seat, the cot, the baby bouncer and the highchair to name a few and you will want to keep things like muslin cloths and nappies within reach in most rooms. Enjoy the baby days and relax a bit about your home while you have a newborn to focus your attention on.
As your baby gets a little bit bigger, you will probably realise that some furniture and homeware items are not suitable as you start thinking about babyproofing for a baby that’s on the move. Anything that you can’t wash is a no-no with babies too.

- Your Shopping Habits
The things you browse online and shop for will change when there’s a baby to think about too. Instead of buying some new shoes for you, you will be stocking up on baby sleepsuits and any items that might help your baby sleep through the night.
When it comes to the food shop, you’re also more likely to be looking at the different baby meals for a weaning baby, healthy snacks for them or buy organic fruits and vegetables to make your own homemade baby food while probably neglecting your own needs a bit. Remember to feed yourself well with healthy foods as a healthy parent will be a happier parent.

- Your Laundry Habits
Babies can produce a surprising amount of washing, considering they’re so small and their clothes are too! When you are a parent, it’s a good idea to do a load of laundry each day to help you stay on top of things. Some babies are sick a lot, most babies have leaky nappies now and again, they drool and when they are weaning they make a mess (all the time!). If you choose to use reusable nappies, you will have some extra washing too, but they will save you money in the long run. Get into the routine of putting a load on when you get up and this will help you hugely.

- Your Date Nights
Before the arrival of your first baby, you might have headed out on regular date nights with your partner, visiting bars and restaurants and maybe going on weekend getaways.
When you have a baby, this naturally changes, and you’ll be happy spending short moments together when your baby settles and sleeps for a little bit in the evening (hopefully!).
You can still do things like enjoy a takeaway and watch something together easily, but the nights out will most likely have to wait a while. Going for a walk together with the baby in the pram or in the baby carrier is also a great way to spend quality time together while your baby is likely to enjoy a nice nap.

Things change when you become a parent. You will be tired, your home and life will change but it’s very much worth it for that little bundle of joy that you will love so much and who will love you too.