Pregnant With Baby No. 2 – Third Trimester Summary
|Pregnant With Baby No. 2 – Third Trimester Summary
I still have about 3 weeks (if not more) left of my third trimester but you never know what could happen now as I’ll be full term soon and the baby could arrive anytime really.
How far along?
36 weeks and 4 days.
Total weight gain?
No idea as I don’t weigh myself but it’s mainly bump!
Maternity clothes?
Yes, I live in my maternity leggings from H&M and oversized t-shirts or maternity dresses. Very comfy!
Stretch marks?
I have got two new ones right next to the two on the bottom of my bump that I got last time around. I got lazy with my creams for a few days! But the ones that I got from my first pregnancy faded nicely so I’m not bothered. It has reminded me to remember my stretch mark cream application though!
I’m sleeping quite well when our toddler stays in her bed for most of the night. At this stage of pregnancy, I’m using a u-shaped maternity pillow and it’s helping me stay on my side all through the night which is the best for the baby. It’s very comfortable for me too! I only have to get up for a wee some nights so that’s good.
Best moment this trimester?
Being so close to finally meeting our second baby. We’ve been so busy since before Christmas, so time is flying by! Finishing our bathroom renovation was a great moment as I can now have relaxing baths in the evenings.
Worst moment this trimester?
Pelvic girdle pain and pains in my crotch from the baby’s head pushing down on it all the time.
Miss anything?
Naps and I have started missing red wine and some cheeses like goat’s cheese and Camembert. Yum! I will be napping soon though when my mum comes to stay with us.
Yes, lots of movement and they are really strong most of the time. My husband can get kicked by the baby when he’s sat next to me.
Food cravings?
Chocolate, muffins, chocolate spread on toast with cheese… Sweet things mainly!Anything making you feel sick or queasy?
I get full quite quickly now but also often feel full and hungry at the same time as my body gets confused with the baby pressing on my stomach.
Still a girl!
Growing bump, bigger boobs, lots of kicks, even more tiredness, pelvic girdle pain, hungry more often but fill up more quickly, pressure downwards in my crotch now that my baby is engaged.
Belly button in or out?
In/flat but it never popped during my first pregnancy so I’m not expecting it to this time around either.
Happy or moody?
Happy most of the time but can be a bit emotional some days.
Looking forward to?
Meeting our baby in a few weeks. I’m even looking forward to the actual birth even though it will be extremely painful if it’s anything like last time. I’m mentally prepared though and feeling positive!
Also looking forward to my mum coming to stay with us to help out with our firstborn when it’s time to give birth. It will be nice!
We’ve got most things ready now — just need to put some baby clothes in the right boxes, put up a co-sleeper crib and get our carrycot and car seat from the loft. We are ready for this baby!
The final stretch to meeting baby, try to rest as much as you can