Simple Ways to Be Happier
Simple Ways to Be Happier
Happiness is something that doesn’t just happen on its own. Happy people are happy because of their mindsets and how they choose to live their lives. There are lots of little things that you can do to improve your happiness levels, and, in this article, I’ll share a few ideas. Of course, people are different and what works for one person might not work for another but the ideas in this post are quite general and are likely to make most people happier.
I’m not one to do New Year’s resolutions but I am making an effort to improve some areas of my life and focussing more on my mental health this year as I feel like I need to.
A few things that I am putting a conscious effort into is to walk more, to read more and to drink more water. Things that I know are good for my physical and mental health but that I haven’t been doing enough since the whole pandemic began! It’s time to make these small changes to improve my habits and my health.

How to be Happier – Simple Ideas to Try
- Get out into nature more. Aim to spend time outdoors every single day. It’s harder in the winter but do make the effort to get outside whether it’s for a brisk walk in the woods or around your neighbourhood or having a cup of coffee in your garden or in a park.
- Reconnect with family and friends. Our social lives have changed over the past couple of years but do make the effort to stay in touch with your friends and family. It will make you both happier and make your relationship stronger. If you are struggling to get in touch with someone from your past, you can get help to trace a person so that you can find them again to reconnect.
- Move your body. Moving your body through walking, running, dancing or whatever else you enjoy is a great way to improve your mood. It’s great for your body too, of course!
- Be good to yourself. Looking after yourself properly is a great way to feel happier. You are worth it! Feed your body nutritious foods, drink enough water, get enough sleep, and treat yourself to the things you enjoy.
- Be grateful. At the end of each day, take a few minutes to reflect about the day and what has gone well and what you are grateful for in your life.
- Do something kind. Share your time, help a friend or a neighbour, volunteer, give a compliment to a stranger or someone you know… Being kind and helpful will make you feel happier and will mean a lot to the person you are being kind to, too.
- Smile and laugh more. Just putting a smile on your face will make you feel happier, and laughing is even better. Spend time with people who make you smile and laugh, watch stand-up comedy or a funny film to get laughing.
- Spend less time online. Scrolling social media feeds does not improve your life in any way – try to reduce this kind of screen-time and I’m sure you’ll feel happier.

Little things like this can make big changes to your mood and your life. It’s important to make an effort to cultivate positivity and actively work on being happier. What do you do when you want to improve your happiness levels? Feel free to share some ideas for things that make you happier in the comments below.
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