Travel with Kids – 7 Tips For Family Travel

Travel with Kids – 7 Tips For Family Travel A Mum Reviews

Travel with Kids – 7 Tips For Family Travel

If you’re looking for a family getaway, travelling somewhere is the best option that comes to mind. Be it a long distance drive in your home country or a vacation abroad, the thrill of travelling together with your family is unparalleled. However, it should be noted that travelling alone vs. travelling in a group, especially your family, are very different things.

When travelling alone, your main concern and focus are you and you alone. You don’t have to worry about the lodging of additional people and only have to account for your own expenses. However, if you’re travelling with your family, then the whole process is a whole another ball-game.

Nonetheless, this should not be a daunting task, as often portrayed in mainstream movies these days. Travelling with your family is fun and a wholesome experience that one should often indulge in from time to time.

There are several benefits to this, notably so that it brings the family together and strengthens the bond that everyone mutually shares. However, there are a few things that you should always keep in mind. Here are a few tips to be wary of when travelling with your family and kids!

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  1. Take it easy

As mentioned above, there is a big difference between travelling alone and travelling with children. Travelling alone has the thrill of spontaneity which makes it a very exciting prospect. This, however, is not the case with children. If you’re travelling with kids, it’s best to stretch out the schedule and take things slower than you normally would have done if you were alone.

A good rule of thumb to keep in mind here is that you should arrange your schedule based on what the youngest member of the family can handle. This is to ensure that all your kids are well-rested and you don’t have to deal with them crying or being cranky.

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  1. Pack smart!

For starters, this is a perfect opportunity to teach your children packing skills if they are above the age of 5. This will inculcate a sense of responsibility and satisfaction that will be prevalent throughout the trip as the kids will have whatever they feel they needed during the trip.

Furthermore, ensure that you pack everything priority wise, placing the most important stuff on the top. This will save time in case you have to retrieve anything on short notice.

  1. Keep medication handy

Children almost always get ill when they travel. It can be anything, such as jet lag or not eating properly. Ensure that you have the proper medication and supplementation you feel that your child will require throughout the trip.

Travel with Kids – 7 Tips For Family Travel A Mum Reviews

  1. Always keep a light stroller

This is applicable especially if your child is young. However, do some research about the place you’re headed beforehand to get a general idea of what the pavement and streets will be like. Furthermore, when driving, make sure that you use a baby car seat protector to keep the car seat clean and protected. Remember, safety first if you’re renting a car and car seat, make sure it’s suitable for you child’s age and size!

  1. Make sure your kids are busy!

Since little kids have a short attention span, keep them engaged and occupied with different activities such as coloring books, puzzles, and word searches. This will hopefully prevent them from getting cranky and make sure that time passes by smoothly without any hassle or cries of ‘I’m bored!’

  1. Brand them

This is done to be on the safe side. In case your child wanders off, having your number or address on their arm would give the local authorities a heads up and they can contact you if things go south. You can also get special bracelets made with your child’s details and your phone number.

Travel with Kids – 7 Tips For Family Travel A Mum Reviews

  1. Encourage them to keep a travel journal

If your child can write, give them a journal and encourage them to write their experience and what they feel in it. If feasible, invest in a light and robust camera that they can use to take pictures of things from their perspective. This is something the kids would love to reflect on when they’re older!

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