Bambino Mio Reusable Baby Wipes Review
|Bambino Mio Reusable Baby Wipes Review
Reusable baby wipes are a natural and cost-effective alternative to disposable baby wipes. In my experience, they’re also gentler on your baby’s or toddler’s skin. That’s because they do not contain any chemicals. They are simply better for the environment, your baby and your wallet.
Using cloth and reusable products is not an all or nothing decision. You can, of course, use all cloth which is great for the environment but not doable for all families. We already struggle really badly with keeping up with our normal washing during the winter due to the long drying times needed and can’t run our dryer every day so at the moment we don’t have the capacity to go all cloth.
We use regular wipes for nappy changes and disposable nappies, but try to do as much as we can by using reusable swim nappies, reusable sanitary and breast pads for me and reusable baby wipes for cleaning my toddler’s hands and face before and after eating. We have used reusable wipes since she was born and used them as burp cloths when she was little. They were the perfect size for us since our girl was never sick much. If we’d used muslin squares instead, we would have had so much more washing!
The wipes from Bambino Mio are our newest addition. They are brilliant! They are large (22x22cm) and so soft. They’re made of 80% cotton and 20% polyester. You get 10 in a pack for just £7.50 and they are different colours so that you can colour code them if you use wipes for different body parts.
The only thing you need to add to the wipes before use, is a bit of water which is of course very gentle on your baby’s sensitive skin.
They wash really well and look just as nice now that I’ve been using and washing them for a few weeks. The colours stay just as bright and the fabric just as soft. I wash them at 40 degrees with any other colours. They dry very quickly too, which is important for us with our limited drying space.
As you can see in the picture to the right above, one side is smoother and the other side has more texture. Both sides are very soft and gentle.
I recommend these to parents who want to use cloth wipes for bottoms and/or hands and face. The quality is lovely and they are so useful!
This is the first product from Bambino Mio that we’ve tried but we’ll be starting potty training early next year and I have my eyes on their potty training products. Their reusable training pants are adorable!
You can buy Bambino Mio products from their website here or from Amazon. Bambino Mio wipes are also available from The Nappy Gurus where you can enjoy a 10% discount with my code “AMUMREVIEWS”.
We were sent these wipes for this review. As always, all my reviews are 100% honest and all thoughts and opinions are my own.