Reduce Visual Clutter in Your Home with Hidden Storage Solutions
Reduce Visual Clutter in Your Home with Hidden Storage Solutions
Reducing clutter is the most efficient way to make your home feel and look tidy. Reducing clutter is also very likely to make you feel more relaxed and happier in your home. The level of impact clutter has on people varies but, for many of us, it can be a huge cause of stress.
I personally love clear and clean surfaces and tidy rooms with everything put back in its place. It’s not easily achievable though – not with a busy life, work and three kids, at least! I do try to do my best and have found a few things that help me get closer to a tidy home.
In this article, we will focus on how to reduce visual clutter in your home with hidden storage solutions. When things are put away properly and no longer visible, your space will feel calmer and more put together instantly.
The main thing to aim for is to have as many items out of sight as possible and you can achieve this by using clever storage solutions. Below are a few of my favourites…

- VonHaus Charcoal Storage Ottoman
This is an item that we’ve recently added to our home, and it’s transformed how we use our living room – and how tidy it looks! The sofas often ended up looking a mess as the kids rarely folded the blankets up after use and we had a few items that didn’t fit in our TV-unit so always ended up left out – a few larger games and our massage gun storage case.

All our blankets and these other random bits now have a home – a hidden home, in this gorgeous charcoal storage ottoman from VonHaus. The ottoman is very spacious and can hold a lot of stuff and also works brilliantly as an extra seat for a few people or as a footstool. It’s also great for playing games on. It’s very versatile and has reduced the visual clutter in our living room. The kids know exactly where the blankets need to be returned to now!
- Bookshelves with doors
If you are getting new bookshelves or other storage shelves, opt for ones with doors for at least some of them. Books look great on display if arranged neatly but even glass doors is a great way to keep other things from being placed on the shelves mindlessly and also prevents dust from gathering on the books. Opaque doors are great for storage shelves with messier looking items.

- Use the space underneath
Many pieces of furniture have space underneath that could be utilised. A brilliant way to get more storage in the kitchen is to install drawers in the plinth which is just an empty space. Great for items that you don’t use as often.
I also like to use the space under some free-standing furniture but make sure you can’t see the items/boxes when they’re put away as that doesn’t give the same clutter-free effect. Choose shallow storage boxes and push them further in so they can’t be seen. We have chest of drawers that have a gap underneath, and I can fit several boxes under them and also keep a few things under the sofas in the same way. We also store things under our bed in discreet, dark storage boxes but I would recommend that anyone looking to buy a new bed considers a bed with built-in storage as these are so handy.

- Bay window storage bench
If you have a beautiful bay window (or other suitable window) in your house, then this can be a great place to build a window storage bench. They look gorgeous and make an ideal place for sitting and reading a book but also create lots of storage space underneath the seats.
- Bean bag storage for soft toys
If you have kids and have way more soft toys in your house than you’d like on display, then stuffing a bean bag or soft pouffe with soft toys is a great way to reduce the visual clutter but still letting your kids keep their precious collection of cuddly toys! The pouffe or bean bag will still be comfortable for children to sit on, and the kids can easily find and tidy up their soft toys with this solution.
Collaboration. Features a gifted ottoman from VonHaus.